Monday, December 9, 2013



pods 008
pods 010
The garage was full!  The house was full…  boxes everywhere!kitchen dining 018
Kitchen, Dining, Living room…………
Living room 016   
            livingroom 019

Chuck’s daughter, Glorianne !
Glorianne  014
Chuck slinging paint!Chuck  022
Chaz doing electrical…
Chaz 021
Chuck installing vents
Chuck 015
We actually lucked out….  by the time we got here, all the ceilings were painted, the floors upstairs replaced and bedrooms repainted. Basically we moved boxes around and painted the laundry room.  I haven’t been much help, a bit under the weather. Chuck has been working hard though, helping where needed!
Glorianne and Chaz still have many, many, many more boxes to sort through and unpack! This isn’t gonna be the quick weekend move, not with 4 kids and all their gear to move as well!  The kids have been a big help. Yesterday, the pods were all empty and taken away! All the boxes in the pods are now in the garage to be sorted and unpacked!

We are staying in a very crowded RV park just a few miles from their home.
Horseshoe Cove is full of snowbirds, here in the 75 degree warmth avoiding the snow storms up north! But the folks here are very nice and friendly.
Tomorrow Chuck and I leave Bradenton, headed to Myakka River State Park for 3 days.
Chuck hopes to come back and help the kids another day or two. From Myakka River State Park, we will head a bit north to Highlands Hammock State Park.
We will come back to Bradenton FL and family for Christmas. 
Love to you all from the crew of The MotherShip, Chuck, Geri and Doogie Bowser and Radar! 
charlie christmas
We say it from The MotherShip to all of you,  MERRY CHRISTMAS!


  1. Hi, Geri and Chuck!

    Lovely home . . . I know you're happy to help. Hope you feel better soon, Geri. I enjoyed the post. I'm so glad you have a blog, makes it easier to take that you moved further away.

    Enjoy the state park!


    1. Thanks Sue! It has been great being around family! Glorianne is so organized and I am so NOT! :-) We went over for supper tonight and it was already so organized!!!!

  2. OMG, it's been so long since I moved like that I'd almost forgot. So much work and time. Glad you two could help out for a bit. Enjoy your warmth. (She said shivering.)

    1. With 4 kids, 2 of them teenagers, you aquire a lot of "stuff"! Shucks... it took me 4 months to move, sell and give away all my "stuff" to downsize to the MotherShip! Moving is NOT fun! But once you get all settled in, then the fun begins! The new memories crank up!

  3. As it gets closer and closer to Christmas, Amazon is starting to ramp down. We have fueled the Kawabunga truck, a mere $265.00, and are ready for the grand tail light parade. Hope to see you guys at Jugfest.
    harm & bett

    1. YIKES to Kawabunga's gas bill! You must be filling 2 tanks! Chuck and I seriously want to attend JugFest this year! We love it there and we have really missed you and Betty! Merry Christmas ya'll!

  4. Hmmm.....and here I was expecting a post about aliens, what with the mention of pods! And of course you weren't much help....someone had to take the pictures, right?? ;)

    1. RIght ! I was busy taking photos for the blog! Whew! Pods do equal aliens, ESPECIALLY if you are from NM right ??? LOL! Sorry if I got you to the blog under the wrong headline! :-)

  5. Think you will love Myakka! We were there for almost a week last winter and just loved riding our bikes and paddling kayaks. Paddled the Myakka River upstream almost to the lake. Lots of huge alligators everywhere!

    Highland Hammock was a nightmare cause it was Saturday night of a holiday weekend. More people, dogs, kids and tents than I have ever seen. It's probably great during the week.
    Have fun knowing that you are in the only warm place in the US (per the weather tonight)

  6. I have been to Myakka many times over the years but only the second time with Chuck. Our last visit was 4 years ago, a month before we bought the MotherShip! Here is the blog from that visit!

  7. I helped move boxes around and cleaned the stainless steel appliances & kitchen at the condo they rented 2 months. I just can't do stairs well, my knees and back protest! You have your new RV!!! YaY! We have heard that the Gulf Shores area is a beautiful place to camp!

  8. Just read your Myakka post....not much had changed....the raccoons were still in the garbage bin!


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