We actually left T or C (Truth or Consequences, NM) yesterday about 10 am! We stopped by Three Rivers Trading post again trying to find a ring for my best friend Ben! Nothing in his size! :-( BUT!!! I found a ring that matched Chucks wedding band! I liked my opal ring as a wedding band, but it just didn't match Chucks at all. So, Glorianne, Chuck's daughter will receive the opal ring since she loves opals so much! Now Chuck and I have matching wedding bands! If you have never been to Three Rivers Trading Post, you gotta go! Sue is still there working her butt off with a big happy smile and she is so much fun to talk to! It is between Alamorgodo and
Corrizozo NM, a 3 hour drive from T or C and it's right next to the famous three River petroglyphs that I blogged about earlier in the blog. Go back and look! It is one of our favorite places! There is a small campground there and everything! Well worth the visit, just make sure you visit both places, Sue at the Trading Post and the Petroglyph rocks! We took the beautiful ride over the snow capped mountains from Three Rivers to Roswell NM, headed south and landed in the Escapee RV park just north of Carlsbad NM. Warmer daytime hours here at the lower altitude but down in the 30's at 4 am this morning! Brrrrrr! So here we are and now let me catch you up on John's going away party!

When he left Riverbend last month (October) he went to San Antonio Texas to work at an RV park there as "poolboy"! Grin........... nothing John likes better than oogling 70 year old women in bikini's huh John ???

his son Jake Runs it, manages it and is our main boss. Lee and his wife Sylvia come over often to visit or soak in the hot mineral springs or to help out when we get busy. Lee and Sylvia are good people! However this conversation looks like one of Lee's great BS stories! Hahahaha!

Jeff and Chuck in deep conversation. Jeff will be keeping an eye on our home on NM. His business is nearby, so he will go make sure water is dripping thru the pipes on nights that it freezes and even stay there a few nights to make it look occupied. We live in a good neighborhood with two cops a few doors down, but we feel better knowing Jeff is keeping an eye on things!

John, I hope you enjoyed your going away party as much as we all did! Thanks for helping us move Oliver to our new location!
Look often for more posts..... I'm really gonna try to get caught up!
Mountainborn and Butcherknife, I love your blog...... I read it all the time! NomadWoman I read your blog all the time too and I wish I could be as good at posting as you are! Pete, I know Oscar makes you post on your blog all the time! I read your blog often and we will be seeing you in a few days!
Our love to all of you! Know that we are all well, happy and on our way to FL! Believe it or not, we still have The Midget and Bobbie with us. The NM Vet is amazed that they both made it thru the summer! Bobbie has an enlarged heart and The Midget has liver cancer, but they are both doing ok and headed home with us! See you soon!
Geri, Chuck, Bobbie, The Midget and Scotty
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