Headed To Yuma to meet RVSue!
We finally took the MotherShip out of dry dock,
filled her full of good eats, clean sheets and doggie treats! This is the longest we have been dry docked
off the MotherShip since we first boarded
her almost 2 years ago!
On the 2nd Tuesday of January, we climbed aboard
and headed out of our home base of Truth or
Consequences NM! The destinations being Yuma,
Quartzite and Ajo AZ!and lo and behold, the one main thing we forgot was our MiFi aircard from Verizon! YIKES! So I am very late posting all our fun news we want to share. Forgive me. Today 1-23-2012 finds us in Picacho AZ KOA, hooked up to shore power and I have a weak, but workable wifi signal!
Therefore, I am gonna try to get out part one of our journey to Sue's Pond near Yuma AZ! So far I have been working at this blog about 4 hours!
SLOWWWWWW wifi connection here! PLEASE BE PATIENT! If I can't finish it all here, I will finish when we get back home to T or C!
Just short of the I-10, I was a bit surprised to
find windmills spread across the New Mexico
landscape! We have seen hundreds of them in CA and TX, but never until now had we seen them nestled in this SW corner of NM!
After almost 6 months dry docked in NM,
we are now crossing the state line into Arizona!
The second rest area on I-10 in eastern Arizona is one of my favorites, Texas Canyon! One can just imagine the old cowboy westerns where the bad guys are shooting at the good guys from all the big rocks and boulders at this rest area! Love it!
Right after we pulled out of Texas Canyon rest area, this truck passed us pulling a humongous BBQ Grill!
Chuck was all ready to pull in and follow them! That darned grill was bigger than the truck pulling it! YUM!
We both love good Bar-b-que! That is one thing that we haven't found in NM! That and a good seafood restaurant! Oh well..........
We were headed west going through Tucson, when we remembered Al (from the www.bayfieldbunch.com blog) had mentioned the at the same exit as the hospital there was an In-N-Out burger! One of Chuck's favorites and he has not had an In-N-Out burger since his California days! So when we saw the blue H hospital sign we took that exit and parked in the big parking lot behind the restaurant and we pigged out on the best burger I have ever had! Now I understand all the commotion about In-N-Out food! It is the best ever! Honest!
Just west of Tucson, we saw our first Saguaro Cacti!
What giants these guys are! Royalty of the desert SouthWest! I wish you could see all the way up the mountain in the distance, Saguaro cacti marching up all over those hills! You can click on any of the images in this blog and bring them up to full size.
When I lived back east, before my first trip to the SouthWest, I used to see paintings of the mountains layered in different hues of blue and wonder why... it sure didn't look like anything I was familiar with! Well, you get out here and sure enough, the mountains are really layered in blues. This is also known as a Saguaro Cacti forest! See all the Saguaro? Not like a forest back east, but a forest none the less! Absolutely amazing to see!
The Saguaro forest extends up those mountains in the background...much as pines etc would cover the mountains of the east! All those "dots" are cacti!
Finally we arrive at Yuma on Thursday and find Sue's pond just north of Yuma! This is a beautiful little BLM site, you can "boondock" here for 2 weeks free!
For you non-campers, "boondocking" means camping without water, electric, sewer hookups. Most RV's can go 2 weeks or more with careful conservation of resources before having to dump the black tanks (sewer) or having to refill water supply. This pond is isolated, beautiful and there are about 20 or so RV's camped around the pond! Certainly warmer here than than up north! It runs mid-60's day and mid- 30's at night.
It seems I have lost most of my Wifi signal, as it's not letting me upload anymore photos to the blog. I will continue when we get back to Truth or Consequences NM about Friday or Saturday! I can't believe we forgot our air card! Sheeeeeesh! We leave Picacho KOA tonight headed to one of our favorite AZ campgrounds in Safford.... the Roper Lake State Park. We will stay there 2 nights (it's danged cold still at home!) and then head to T or C!
We love you and remember, if you want to leave a comment you have to go all the way back up to the headline "On The Road Again", click on there then come all the way back down and leave your comment.... or heck, you can just email me!
Wishing you a great day as we get The MotherShip ready to take off!
Geri, Chuck and The Hound Herd!