I got to go out on the boat! Chuck was in charge of pulling in Al's bait trap. Al and Fran decided to leave. Their hometown of Mena was destroyed by tornados a few days ago. Easter, they left camp and went to their church to help feed folks and survey the damage. They came back and stayed yesterday, but felt they needed to be back in Mena, helping where they could.

Captain Mountainborn! A great boat captain!

A group photo! People keep coming and leaving. We decided to try for a group shot. Today Tom and Karen left, as did Fran and Al. From left to right... Geri, Chuck, Karen, Tom, David, Rachel, Larry, Betty and Aubrey.

Goodbye to Fran and Al, it was great to have met you!

Goodbye to Tom and Karen! (and Susie!) It was great seeing you again! Happy Trails!
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